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Sad Skull Studios is my indie game studio and the name of my youtube chanel - where I am uploading weekly tutorials that would take a complete novice to an indie game developer! (eventually). Check it out -


The projects below are being developed, very slowly, by me.

My final game presentation after a most enjoyable year in Shenkar's Computer Game Design program. In the game you play an alien fugitive that can control the minds of other beings. After he releases control, the controlled alien dies. Your goal is to escape the planet, while being chased by the forces of (interstellar) law and the, usually, dangerous local flora and fauna... The twist ending is that what you've been really controlling all along is not the cute blue alien you see, but the parasite attached to his head - whose tail ends in a blue glowing sphere... if you look closely you can make the shape of its head and tiny eyes (if you feel meta, then consider all computer game players are some sort of parasites who control the characters in the games... more often than not, causing their horrific deaths :). The Art was done in Photoshop, animated in After Effects and brought together in the Construct2 game engine.

Space Scream

Taking it's name from the tag line of the Ridley Scott's 1979 movie, Alien (In space, no one can hear you scream) "Space Scream" is a Space shooter/Survival horror combination. The player plays as one of 3 historical pilots, abducted from their respective timelines a split second before their deaths, to pilot alien crafts modeled after their own well known airplanes.

The pilots are - the Red Baron, Yuri Gagarin and the obviously fictional YumeiLeet63 :) (abducted from a future timeline where names like that are the norm, and yes, the smiley face is a part of the name). These pilots are pitted against an onslaught of Lovecraftian elder space gods and cosmic horrors on behalf of a mysterious race of aliens doing their best to stop this tide of evil and save the universe.

So after years and years of dreaming about it and trying it out without knowing what I was getting myself into, I began working on my first computer game as an independent developer. I have plenty of experience in the art and animation aspect of it and some in game design... I have NON, unfortunately, in programming.

I was always intimidated by it and still am, what has changed, however, is the fact that I am tired of fearing to feel stupid by not getting it and decided to do the deed and learn via doing. What you see above is the process of my work and I am committed to having, eventually, an actual link to the completed game.

BOL - Ball Of Light is a Metroidvenia/Puzzle Platformer that takes place in a world of darkness. 
Lack of visibility is a game element that effects gameplay in several ways, obviously, not being able to see well will make the player more cautious - mimickiing real world behaviour in that sense. Furthermore, enemies in the game are all life forms that evolved to thrive in a worls of darkness and thus use hunting techniques that do not require eyesight, giving them and advantage over our player... check out the video for a more specific explanation on each enemy!

​​© Copyright 2024 Amir Dror

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